Saturday, 24 May 2014

So, how are we supposed to involve, to react, to lead to whatsoever in the community..?

Yes, for people like us who want to contribute to the ummah sincerely, may find that at times we are not sure that we are on the right tract.. 

How to react if your so called comrades suddenly highlight the issue  which seems to be conflicting like pluralism? or even liberalism?  say the ISSUE OF HUDUD  for example...

yes.. we are amongst the Islamic activists but we cant imposed our values to our nonmuslim comrades..

yes... we are aware of the notion..." let us start from our "common things" then what will happen if we are at the conflicting junctures? 

Quite often we will bump into our relatives who simply refuse to join  family events like tahlil, insist that female circumcision is haram and starts labelling people as "sesat"

Just sharing these 20 principles outlined by Islam as described by AlShaiykh Yusuf Qardawi in his book of 
Sakhsiyah Al-‘Am Al-Islamiyyah , 2000, Maktabah Wahbah, p.144.. and had been elaborated by Tan Sri Prof Kamal Hassan in his class..

i found it useful for us beginners at least to understand with the stands taken by certain Islamic movement when dealing with our recent "conflicts" in Malaysia... like the wahabi issues, mazhab issues, pleuralism issues, hudud etc....

I have classified them in accordance to level of individual, action ,  organisation for better understanding

**** AND WHAT BEING RECOMMENDED BY iSLAM IS to advocate the middle stance and balance between the two extremes... (AlBaqarah, 2:143)

Halal walharam
Extreme in forbidding
Exaggerate in permitting

Ignores obstacles and dangers

Overly pessimistic  and do not anticipate the break of dawn

 Absorb in the present matters without thinking of the future

Talk about the future without dealing with present matters

Result Orientation
 Pick up before ripe enough
Neglect even it is ripe and has fallen into the hands of others

Fiqh (maqasid shari’ah)
 Disregard the established reveal texts  by claiming in order to accommodate the maqasid shaariah

Disregard the general objective of divine law (maqasid shaariah) in the name of accommodating the revealed text.

 Alkalam (aql) versus Annas
Those who use logic and aqal  even it goes against the conclusive nash(qati’e)

Those who use nash only without referring to logic

Fiqh :Tashaddud versus tasahul
Tashaddud in brances
Tasahul even in the principles

Strict adherence of jurisprudence school
Loose adherence

Tasawwuf and bidaah
Support tasawwuf despite in areas with clear innovation(bidaah)
Oppose tasawwuf even in areas that are proper and abiding to shariah

Idealist versus realist
Idealists who hardly concern the reality
Realist who do not believe or have in lofty moral ideals.

Individualism and collectivism ( liberalism versus marxism)
Bestow the values of individual at the expense of society
Bestow the values of society at the expense of society

Advocates worldwide without regarding local conditions and environment

Advocates narrow regional actions with no global or world connection

Those who regard it as sacred and idolized it

Totally abandon the need to work in organised manner

Expense of education ( tarbiyah)
Focus on tarbiyah with total negligence of politics

Organisation /individual
Extremism ( ghulluw) accussing others as kafir

AlMutasahhilun over tolerance even in the matter of apostasy

Advocates opening up to the world ( al-infithah) without any constraint

Advocates of locking oneself in without justification

Regarded as sacred eventhough human failures are evident in it

Disregards the heritage even it shows the signs of hidayah

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