Sunday, 25 May 2014

Challenges towards practising wasattiyah


Principles of discussion (Assyura) , justice ( al-adalah) ,freedom people
( hurriyat al-shu’ub) & human rights (huquq al-insaan) 

  • democracy issues-conflicts btw pro and anti, is democracy is Islamic, the term theo democracy
  • the concept of soverignty of AlLah swt as the governence, source of hukum

  • consultation with the people as an important principle of democracy--details not specified by Islam --it is opened to solutions based on the need of the time.. 3 major principles
  • 1) no collective matter discussed without consulting the people appointed rep ( or people concerned) this rules out the possibility of monarchy, dictatorship
  • 2) the consultation should be free, impartials and genuine
  • Issues on women political rights  as ministers or hold administrative rules in the government: provided they observe the Islamic norms, etiquette realtions between genders in public.according to Qardawi they play equal role in society
  • ?permissibility of Muslim Participation in non-Islamic government or political system:
  • 1)  it is ok so long is not for injustice, tyranny,dictatorial, oppressive or anti-Islamic
  • 2) participate versus non participate principles has to be based on:
  • a)the possibility of reducing injustice and evils to one's ability (eg to alleviate people sufferings , strengthen the weak positions etc
  • b) taking the lesser evils ... tolerating a minor evil for fear of incurring a greater evil
  • c) descending from the lofty ideals to the closest reality is allowed by Islamic law because of necessity or genuine inability to achieve ideals based on various usul fiqh principles like al-mashaqqah tajlib altaisir...hardship brings facilitation, necessities render permissible what is prohibited (aldarurah tubih almahzurah)
  • d) observing the norm of gradualism (sunnat altadarruj)...also the principle on usul fiqh... if one cannot achieve everything , one abandon everything.. 

towards ummatic maturity

1) changing from form and outer to reality and substance

1) aqidah tawhidyah
2) sincere ibadah
3) truthfulness muamalat ( traansaction)
4) khuluq with mercy
5) tashri" legistlation is justice
6) amal is perfection
7) ethics is spiritual consciousness
8) alaqah (human bonding) is brotherhood
9) civilisation is balance

2)from talking and bickering to giving and doing

looking for mistakes of others, preoccupation with nonproductive

plant a seed even the last moment  of qiyamah,
x wait for almahdi, mujaddid
x wait till islamic state is established in order to do reform activities

3) from sentimental and clamourous attitude to rational and scientific attitiude

x emotional rhetoric; over-glorification of certain individuals. excessiveness in love or hatred, drowning int he worls of fanciful dreams, impatient to achieve results making hasty decisions, incorrect way of trusting AlLah, to exagerate or to be little

important to focus on internal and self-originating impediments than to concentrate on the obstacles placed in our path as part of external plots against us

suggest to be neutral, realistic, objective ad rationale attitude in assesing matters, evalutating works, interpretation of events and history , perceiving of suporters and adversaries , defininf of position 

scientific thinking
1) objective.. know the truth that the owner of the truth
2) respect the specialization
3)ability to take and accept criticism
4) employing the ltest and best techniques in trying the achieve the objectives
5) critical thinking in everything except in incontestible intellectual and religious matters ..critical querry and examination , irrespective of whether the results are in accordnace with one's interest or not
6) refraininf from being hasty in coming up with tulings and decisions except after having conducttedd a careful study based on reliable investigations and statistics after a constructive dialaogue (with relevant parties) that would revela the defects or negative aspects of particular issues
7) appreciating other perspectives besides one's own and respectiinf different views of other matters

4) Change from preoccupation with the subsidiary and periphery to the primary and fundamental

talking and disputing.

to 1) amal alfikri
2) amal altarbawi
3) amal alharaki
4) amal alijtimai

5) change from bigotry (alta'assub) and
exclusivism (al-inqhilaq) to forbearance ( altasamuh) and inclusivism (al-intilaq)


ukhuwaah alwataniyah
alukhuwwah alqawmiyah
Noah as brother to his disbeliever people, Shu"ayyb also as abrother of disbelieving people of madyan

6) change of violence and rancour to gentleness and compassion
methodology of islamic propagatio aldakwah islamiyah .. gentleness (ALrifq), tenderness (al-lin),graciousness (al-riqqah ), compassionate

neokhawarij group..faulty and defective understanding of jihad, changing wrong doings by force, fighting or revolting against the rules , accusing others of disbeliefing (fiqh altakfir)

misunderstood jihad:
assuming that it is obligatory to fight disbelievers even though they are at peace with the mslims: commit trangression 2;190

Permanent principles ( Al-thawaabit) of Islamic law and the changing conditions ( mutaghayyirat) 
Just (insaf) to women , liberating them from being oppressed by

1) customs inherited from eras of backwardness
2) customs coming from civilisation of disintegration

Assalafiyah and tajdiid ( renewal)
Assoolah (authenticity)  and  Al mu’asholah ( contemporary)

Salaffiyah : implies returning to the original principles (alusul), the root , the sources ... in return to the Quran and Sunnah
Salafi : orinal to the roots and the sources ie Alquran and Sunnah
The salaf people of the first generation , whe were regarded as the best generation ..the return does not mean a carbon reproduction of conditions..first generation is the best in terms  of :

1)      Understanding
2)      faith
3)      Behaviour
4)      commitment
 it is the essence /spirit  `not the hardcopy

Tajdiid: living in times, keeping abreast with current  knowledge , freedom from the the clutches of the frozen mid (aljumud) and thoughtless imitation 

Alwajib ( religious duty) and social reality ( al-waqi’)
Dialogue ( alhiwar) and co-existence ( al ta’ayush) with others ( muslims and non muslims)
(tolerance) Al-tasaamuh with those differs

*hiwaar with rational rulers, rational secularist, rational westerners, orientalist, western writers
high level muslim-christian dialogue
In giving fatwa and emphatising glad tidings (al-tabshiir)

extrimism tend to make things difficult  (alta'asir) and frightening ( al-tanfir)
eg sternness and severity in giving opinions

make things easy in matters of branches (alfuru') while firm and noncompromise in matters of principles

eg case of sahabah RA who died after the ritual bath from junub when he was wounded and died because of it. Ar rasul saw adv tayamum instead
Balanced integrated civilisation mission  ( risalah hadhariyyah)
Revival, liberation, unification of ummah

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