- Muslims should demand the rulers of Muslims to implement the laws of AlLah based
2:85, nevertheless Islam teaches us to oppose to the militant ways by using arms and revolting rules by physical force...
- The Quran teaches us to enjoin patience and perseverance in the face of the wrongdoings of the rulers. Several hadiths strongly discourage acts of rebellion against rules unless open and manifest disbelief have emanated from them.
- The general position adopted by majority Islamic scholars are the importance of the following principles are observed:
1) public interest to maintain the unity of the ummah
2) prevent blood shed among Muslims
3) prevent uncontrolled civil strife
4) deep rifts
- In Muslim countries , the rulers can be divided into:
1) recognise Islam as an official religion and shariah is the source of law but they have shortcomings in implementing it --they are SINFUL
2) reject and ridicule the shariah and consider it incompatible with civilisation and progress..justifiable to go against BUT:
a) has to be based on ones" capability and capacity 2:286
b) peaceful way to change
c) search the wisdom in analysing strategies even if they originates from non Islamic so long as they do not contradict the Quran and sunnah, the shariah prescribed by those texts. (almarsalih mursalah)
- extremistsm includes takfirisation of other fellow muslims, hijacking civilian plans, kidnapping and killing tourists is from flaws in understanding the true Islam.
- Muslims have to realised that the Quran has taught that to bring change it has to start from themselves 13:11
- only in two situations when "violence" are justified, which are meant for defense and even then it has to decided by relevant authority and legitimate decision makes ( ahl al-hall wa al-'aqd) NOT by unauthorised people or individuals who do not have legitimate authority and even then it has to be carried out based on one's capasity and capability
- the two situations are :
1) resistance against colonialism , illegal occupation or invasion of Muslim land and property such as the Israeli occupation of Palestine
2) opposition to a critical situation in a Muslim country in which open disbelief or defiant irreligiously on the part of Muslim rulers or power--holders has become rampant or overbearing
- with regards to the historical fact, the first caliph Saidina Abu Bakar RA despite of being a calm, non violent personality but had carried out to fight against the apostate movement. that was a form of rebellion against a legitimate Islamic government. ( *)
A concern being highlighted is that the current apostasy in Muslim countries has to be handled and tackled wisely and cautiously as this in the past has shown to lead to undesireable and potentially explosive situations
( this is my humble notes from lectures delivered by, and paper written by beloved teacher Tan Sri Prof Dr Muhammad Kamal b Hassan, "Moulding a Wasatiyyah Community today" presented for RRG, Singapore.
The paper is based on few write ups by As-Syaikh Yusuf AlQardawi books like Min Fiqh Addaulah)
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